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发布时间: 文章来源:www.iduyao.cn 采编人员:毒药  
[e:loop={'select * from ( 
select id,classid,titleurl,filename,title,newstime,titlepic from [!db.pre!]ecms_movie where newstime union 
select id,classid,titleurl,filename,title,newstime,titlepic from [!db.pre!]ecms_news where newstime union 
select id,classid,titleurl,filename,title,newstime,titlepic from [!db.pre!]ecms_photo where newstime union 
select id,classid,titleurl,filename,title,newstime,titlepic from [!db.pre!]ecms_flash where newstime union 
select id,classid,titleurl,filename,title,newstime,titlepic from [!db.pre!]ecms_article where newstime 
) a order by newstime desc limit 10',10,24,1}] 
<a href="<?=$bqsr['titleurl']?>" target="_blank"><?=$bqr['title']?></a> <br>

[e:loop={'select * from ( 
select id,classid,titleurl,filename,title,newstime,titlepic from [!db.pre!]ecms_news where firsttitle=1 union 
select id,classid,titleurl,filename,title,newstime,titlepic from [!db.pre!]ecms_article where firsttitle=1
) a order by newstime desc limit 4',4,24,0}] 
<a href="<?=$bqsr['titleurl']?>" target="_blank"><?=$bqr['title']?></a> <br>


[e:loop={'select * from ( 
select titleurl,newstime,title,titlepic,onclick,smalltext from [!db.pre!]ecms_news where firsttitle=1 and ispic=1 union 
select titleurl,newstime,title,titlepic,onclick,smalltext from [!db.pre!]ecms_article where firsttitle=1 and ispic=1
) a order by newstime desc limit 1',1,24,1}] 
<a href="<?=$bqsr['titleurl']?>" target="_blank"><?=$bqr['title']?></a> <br>

毒药   2021-04-30 10:41:35


[e:loop={'select * from ( 
select titleurl,newstime,title,smalltext from [!db.pre!]ecms_news where newstime and classid not in(24,15,35) and isgood=0 and firsttitle=0 union 
select titleurl,newstime,title,smalltext from [!db.pre!]ecms_article where newstime  and classid not in(24,15,35) and isgood=0 and firsttitle=0 
) a order by newstime desc limit 10',10,24,0}] 
<li><a href='<?=$bqsr['titleurl']?>' target='_blank'><h6><?=$bqr['title']?></h6><p><?=$bqr['smalltext']?></p></a></li>

毒药   2021-04-30 12:26:46
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